So that's the sad/happy news of the day/week.
On another note...I'm going to blog about my personal life now!:
Many of you know that on Friday, March 11th, my 5th generation blue iPod nano was stolen from my backpack at school. Last night (I've been sick the past few days and stayed home from school Mon/Tues, and I'm also staying home today. I have a really bad cold....) I emailed the principal/vice principal of my school, along with all 3 of my main teachers. I haven't gotten a reply yet, but hopefully I will soon! On a happy note, this lady at my dad's work said that her daughter (who is a few years older than me) had this EXACT same thing happen to her (her iPod was stolen from her backpack with the teacher in the room, it was engraved, blah blah blah) but they told her teachers and her iPod turned up after 2-3 weeks!! Wish me luck!!!!! I really hope that I find it, because I bought that iPod myself, and if I didn't find it, I wouldn't have my music, but also, I don't even like the 6th generation nanos, which is what are out now. (Seriously, they're like an upgrade of the shuffle! A *downgrade* of the nano!! Do they even have a camera on them like the 5th generation nanos? I doubt it.)
That's enough. I think I'll go make some lemon honey tea, which really helps my sore throat!!! Hahaha.....
I have an iPod touch and I never brought it to school. I hope you find it and in case you find it, keep it in a secure space in your bag. Like a cellphone compartment.